평생교육바우처 신청 Lifelong Education Voucher Application

■ Lifelong Education Voucher 1. Definitions and Overview The lifelong education voucher is a lifelong education voucher provided by the government so that learners can autonomously decide and participate in learning activities according to their learning needs. Many people are interested in achieving the goal process efficiently with support benefits. With each passing year, interest … Read more

공무원 정근수당 Civil servants’ regular attendance allowance

Comprehensive summary of civil servants’ regular duty allowance There are many people who are curious about the civil service allowance. Righteousness means working hard in a fair way. That’s why it’s called regularity allowance. You can think of it as an incentive or bonus that you receive in addition to your salary. Today, I would … Read more

한글로 한자찾기 Search Chinese characters in Hangul

Although the importance of Hangeul is increasing in everyday life and Chinese characters are gradually disappearing, you can often see subtitles including Chinese characters in newspapers and news. Due to the characteristics of Hangeul, where the same letter has the same pronunciation, it is often used with Chinese characters to make the meaning clearer. Despite … Read more

국민 내일배움카드 잔액확인 Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card Balance Check

The National Tomorrow Learning Card is a system in which a certain amount of education is provided by the government to all citizens of the Republic of Korea for the development of vocational skills. In the past, which was limited to only a part of the target population with restrictions on income, etc., it is … Read more