KCP 결제내역 KCP payment history

Let’s look at how to check kcp payment details. Sometimes, if you see that a credit or debit card has been paid, you can check the payment history in a strange place. Usually, it appears as a store name, but since KCP is a PG payment agency, it is marked as “nhn Korea cyber payment”. You can think of a PG company as a company that provides a payment program while acting as an agent for credit card payments and payments between credit card companies, banks, telecommunication companies and merchants.

KCP 결제내역

Check kcp payment details. KCP 결제내역


How to check KCP payment details. 좋은뉴스 
1. Go to the KCP website
2. View payment details
3. Enter payment information
4. Search results

How to check KCP payment details
Once it pops up as “nhn Korea Cyber Payment”, it can be regarded as KCP payment unconditionally. For your reference, it is not possible to check on a mobile device, so you must check it on a PC.


1. Go to the KCP website
Go to the KCP website.


Check kcp payment details

Link : KCP website



2. View payment details
If you look at the main menu, there are various menus. After selecting the [Customer Support] menu at the top, go to [Payment History Inquiry].


Check kcp payment details


3. Enter payment information
If you look at the payment history inquiry screen, you can see that the screen is configured so that you can check the payment history through NHN KCP. Select credit card, account transfer, virtual account, mobile phone, ARS, Momo Cash, book culture gift certificate, Happy Money gift certificate, cultural gift certificate, etc. in the payment method selection and enter the card number, email, approval number, payment amount, transaction in the payment information field You must enter the exact date.


※ If you do not remember the approval number, you can enter it by e-mail. If you do not remember the e-mail, you can contact the credit card company. In addition, inquiries can be made from January 1 of the previous year, and some credit card transactions, such as app cards and simple payments, or payments made with virtual card numbers will not be viewed.


Check kcp payment details


4. Search results
If you click the Inquiry button, you can get payment information input information and payment information inquiry results, and you can check the store name and contact information, payment status, transaction date, etc. If necessary, you can print out the payment transaction statement.


Check kcp payment details


So far, we have learned how to check KCP payment details. If payment details are not searched, you can contact the customer center (Tel: 1544-8867, consultation hours Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00).