사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

If you are running your own shop or company, you will be given a business registration number after registering as a business. The business registration number is a unique number that indicates the company and is required when paying taxes or when transacting with a customer when exchanging tax invoices. Even if you have received … Read more

신협 인터넷뱅킹 Credit Union Internet Banking

Credit Union Internet Banking On Bank A credit union (credit union) is a non-profit financial institution that promotes financial life among members by forming a union based on common ties (region, workplace, religion, occupation, etc.) by individuals or groups. Although it is the same secondary financial sector, credit union time deposits and installment savings are … Read more

국비 지원 교육 종류 Types of government-funded education

Have you been curious about the types of government-funded education and how to apply? We will inform you about the types and benefits of government-funded education and how to apply. In addition, we would like to inform you about tomorrow’s learning card application and various government support systems. 국비 지원 교육 종류   If you … Read more