휴대폰 요금 미납 non-payment of cell phone bill

Since ‘mobile phones’ have become widespread now, the era has come when everyone is using them, and in addition to enjoying the convenience of everyday life with ‘smartphones’, telecommunication companies have also grown into ‘large companies’, so there has been a lot of systemicity. Let’s see what happens if you overdue the fee. What if … Read more

연체기록 overdue record

Delaying payment will result in overdue records. And once the overdue amount is repaid, the cause of the overdue is lifted, so the debt is eliminated. By the way, will the delinquency history disappear immediately just because the unpaid amount is paid? The answer is no. The fact that you are delinquent will remain on … Read more

하이패스 미납 요금 조회 High Pass Unpaid Fee Inquiry

Many people use the HiPass because it allows you to quickly pass through highway tollgates. If you have a terminal and a high-pass card, you can quickly pass through the toll gate through a dedicated gate, which is very convenient. However, sometimes, payment may not be possible if there is a problem with the terminal … Read more

노인 인권 사이버 교육 Elderly Human Rights Cyber Education

‘Elderly Human Rights Cyber ​​Education’ is an education that must be completed in case of operation of welfare facilities for the elderly or workers. Therefore, from now on, we will guide you through the process of completing the training in a simple and clear manner. Elderly human rights cyber education Those who need human rights … Read more

한메일 Hanmail

Until the 1990s, the most representative portal site was Daum. Naver has grown rapidly by promoting knowledge in. Daum was the first to provide free mail service among domestic portal services. It became natural for people to use Hanmail to send and receive e-mail. Even now, many people have Hanmail (Daum Mail) and want to … Read more